The Studio Ghibli animated masterpiece was released in 1989 and its profound depth is in part, attributed to the efforts of legendary Japanese director, Hayao Miyazaki. My recent focus on the four-day week, which inspired me to spend more time with my 4-year-old daughter, had us watching it for the first time this past Saturday (though Isabella only remained rapturously attentive up until the last 10 minutes).
Kiki’s Delivery Service tells the tale of a little witch doing her in-service in a town far from home and by a special twist of fate offers an air courier service. I noticed a striking resemblance between Kiki’s first delivery and the problems all entrepreneurs must eventually encounter. What to do when an order gets messed up, but payment has already been received?
While the atmosphere in the movie is pretty laidback, most clients (and business owners) in Mzansi are generally stressed out and expect perfect deliveries every single time. Feel free to read Takealot reviews if you don’t believe me.
The sense that we are a part of something greater is intuitively felt by the INFJ. This connection to spirit may express itself in your religious or personal believes. However, this rare personality type is not a requirement to know that we are more than just bodies performing tasks.
Fortunately, Kiki had Gigi (her trusted furry black feline familiar) and they were able to resolve the situation, without the client finding out. Most of us may not have access to Gigi, but the 4-Day Week SA currently being piloted offers a similar solution. Minimise your stress levels and it gives you more room for clarity of thought and creative problem-solving.
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David-John Wayne Bailey is an INFJ from Cape Town, a proud pioneer pilot participant of 4 Day Week SA and an advocate of a four-day week for everyone working in South Africa.