4 Day Week

01-18-Jan-2023-INFJ-Supporting-4-Day-Week-SA Part-1-of-2-by-David-John-Wayne-Bailey

INFJ Supporting 4 Day Week SA – Part 2 of 2

I am an empath. Are you an empath too? COVID-19 has forced employers to consider remote work options and its onset has disrupted the traditional “9 to 5” model. Even with the youth unemployment crisis South Africa is facing, you’d be hard-pressed to find a job that does not offer some form of remote work.

While it’s still too early to determine the current youth unemployment rate for 2023, in 2022 of the 10 million aged 15 to 24, close to 8 million were unemployed. Considering the many challenges South Africans face, this is one the proposed 4 Day Week SA pilot programme can help to overcome.

Starting in March, the current group of participants will be working towards maintaining the same level of service, at 80% of the time worked, while receiving 100% of their salaries (100-80-100 model). Having gradually determined best practice for our individual organisations, there will be room for recruitment to take place.

The ability of an employer to keep their finger on the pulse of the organisation’s health, is determined by how well their employees are doing. Empathy then becomes a crucial component in not only determining the wellbeing of employees, but the success of the company too.

4DayWeekSA #INFJ #dearINFJ #4DayWorkWeek #4DayWeek #FutureOfWork #NotJustADayOff #Entrepreneurship #LeadWithEmpathy #ProudlySouthAfrican #SouthAfricasDigitalRevolution #HumanEnergy #WorkTimeReduction #WellbeingInTheWorkplace

David-John Wayne Bailey is an INFJ from Cape Town, a proud pioneer pilot participant of 4 Day Week SA and an advocate of a four-day week for everyone working in South Africa.